Kissdx administration control command 02

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Feature #51 kissdx remote administration - view config feature

This feature is requested : New command-line options for managing a running kissdx server from the same computer, or even from a remote host. Management functions include

  * STOP = Stop kissdx at the enf of current file playback
  * FORCESTOP = Stop kissdx whatever any streaming occurs
  * RELOAD_CONFIG = re-read the configuration file to pick up changes.
  * GET_TXT_CONFIG =  Get current configuration loaded in memory

[edit] Context

The context is a running system on which, you just connect. What config file has been used ? what directory is currently streamed ?

Using a 'ps -aux|grep kiss' does not give an 100% sure information, because a local modification of kissdx.conf may have occured since last usage.

kissdx looks at startup a set of config file. How to know if kissd.conf or kissdx.conf has been used ? [edit] Expectation

Using another instance of kissdx to send a "GET_TXT_CONFIG" message. kissdx server receiving this command should answer with a set of "Text" oriented information. Future feature may be "GET_KML_CONFIG" to return a KML orientied information. [edit] Code analysis

config.c already contains a function to display config at startup time in console mode.

void show_current_config_Verbose(const config_settings_t *config_p)

The objective is to display content of *config pointer.

First step is to duplicate the section of 30 lines of log() to be send_config()

cons: double maintenance effort ex: log("kissdx %s is now using the following config:", KISSD_VERSION);

Second step may be a function returning an XML flow and a function to render it according text, html,kml ... kissdx release incorporating libxml2 may help managing this orientation [edit] LIST_VIDEO for kissdx in client mode

During development, it become mandatory to create a simulator to avoid the usage of KiSS player (already in use by my kids) A new administration command : LIST_VIDEO send a PCLINK-TCP:8000 command LIST VIDEO and display the result

olivier@ubuntudev:~/eclipse/workspace2/kissdx$ ./kissdx -s LIST_VIDEO -m Admin command requested  : LIST_VIDEO kissdx Administration Client with command [LIST_VIDEO][10] LIST_VIDEO= [Déja joué|Déja joué|1|] LIST_VIDEO= [{kissdx-DIR}_local_dvdrom|{kissdx-DIR}_local_dvdrom|1|] LIST_VIDEO= [DVD_Image|DVD_Image|1|] LIST_VIDEO= [home_linux|home_linux|1|] LIST_VIDEO= [Qmultimedia|Qmultimedia|1|] LIST_VIDEO= [test|test|1|] LIST_VIDEO= [win_dvdrip|win_dvdrip|1|] LIST_VIDEO= [Indestructible.mac.xvid.divx.avi|/home/olivier/Shared_Kiss/Video/Indestructible.mac.xvid.divx.avi|0|] LIST_VIDEO= [Madonna_HungUp.mpg|/home/olivier/Shared_Kiss/Video/Madonna_HungUp.mpg|0|] LIST_VIDEO= [EOL]

[edit] GET_TXT_CONFIG : kissdx admin command

kissdx client mode ===> PCLINK://IP:8008 "GET_TXT_CONFIG ||\n" kissdx.c: main() parse command line, detect Send options with GET_TXT_CONFIG => cmdclient.c: get_txt_config() * Specific behaviour is : send string and print response

==> cmdclient.c: deliver_tcp_cmd()            -Generic function sending 'only' a string and return the socket created
while !eof(?) print result of read(socket)    -print response

kissdx.h: which constant definition ?

kissdx server mode ===> PCLINK://IP "Text structured content of 'config' object" kissdx.c: dodaemon() * Accept ADMCMD request GET_TXT_CONFIG => cmdserver.c: handle_admin_command_gettxtconfig()

==> cmdserver.c: send_txt_config()            -Create a text view of C structure 'config' 
 ===> connection.c: send_converted_line()     -Insert a ending "\n" (0x0A ?) and translate if needed

TODO : Each config line should be structured as PCLINK LIST_VIDEO response are

[edit] Synopsis of PCLINK protocol

Kiss Player => PcLink Server (request ) : "Param1|Param2|Param3|\n" PcLink Server => Kiss Player (response) : "Param1|Param2|Param3|\n"

Sample PcLink request  : "LIST VIDEO ||\n\r\n\r" PcLink response : "Movie.avi| /VIDEO/Movie.avi|0|\nEOL\n"

LIST VIDEO - Request Root listing request = "LIST VIDEO ||\n" Subdirectory listing request = "LIST VIDEO |home_linux/eclipse/workspace2|\n"

LIST VIDEO - Response same for "LIST PICTURE" or "LIST AUDIO" An end user movie (last entry in a tree) = Movie.avi|/home/media/video/Movie.avi|0|\n A directory browsable = kids_video|kids_video|1|\n

Others ACTION 2 /home/media/image/Hidden feature.jpg|\n => 200 SIZE /home/media/image/Hidden feature.jpg|\n => 000000000033898 GET /home/media/image/picture.jpg| 0 4096 |oqmzybpxxxxx|\n GET /home/media/image/picture.jpg| 12288 4096 |oqmzybpxxxxx|\n GET fullpath| start_position size_to_send|playerId|\n => Read 71 bytes

Admin command GET_TXT_CONFIG protocol Global config request = "GET_TXT_CONFIG ||\n" Specific config request = "GET_TXT_CONFIG |configuration_parameter_name|\n" - Global config response = (multiple line) of specific response Specific config response = Parameter_name|parameter_value_inTxtFormat|comment|\n"

[edit] System Trace [KiSS player] <=> [kissdx] (Wireshark trace)


0020 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 52 45 5f 59 4f .....@.#..ARE_YO 0030 55 5f 4b 49 53 53 5f 50 43 4c 49 4e 4b 5f 53 45 U_KISS_PCLINK_SE 0040 52 56 45 52 3f RVER?

   <= Hostname and kissdx version 

0020 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 62 75 6e 74 75 ...@...;..ubuntu 0030 64 65 76 2e 68 6f 6d 65 2e 66 72 20 2d 20 6b 69 - ki 0040 73 73 64 78 20 76 30 2e 31 33 2d 78 78 2c 32 30 ssdx v0.13-xx,20 0050 30 37 2d 30 33 2d 78 78 20 28 4f 4b 29 07-03-xx (OK)

   => LIST VIDEO || (17 bytes TCP) 

0040 .. .. 4c 49 53 54 20 56 49 44 45 4f 20 7c 7c 0d ..LIST VIDEO ||. 0050 0a 0d 0a ...

   <= Directory listing 

Déja joué (recently used) (27 bytes TCP) 0040 .. .. 44 c3 a9 6a 61 20 6a 6f 75 c3 a9 7c 44 c3 ,.D..ja jou..|D. 0050 a9 6a 61 20 6a 6f 75 c3 a9 7c 31 7c 0a .ja jou..|1|.

Directory first entry (55 bytes TCP) 0040 .. .. 7b 6b 69 73 73 64 78 2d 44 49 52 7d 5f 6c ,.{kissdx-DIR}_l 0050 6f 63 61 6c 5f 64 76 64 72 6f 6d 7c 7b 6b 69 73 ocal_dvdrom|{kis 0060 73 64 78 2d 44 49 52 7d 5f 6c 6f 63 61 6c 5f 64 sdx-DIR}_local_d 0070 76 64 72 6f 6d 7c 31 7c 0a vdrom|1|. ... Two before last entry ...(27 bytes TCP) 0040 .. .. 51 6d 75 6c 74 69 6d 65 64 69 61 7c 51 6d ,.Qmultimedia|Qm 0050 75 6c 74 69 6d 65 64 69 61 7c 31 7c 0a ultimedia|1|.

One before last entry ...(25 bytes TCP) 0040 .. .. 77 69 6e 5f 64 76 64 72 69 70 7c 77 69 6e ,.win_dvdrip|win 0050 5f 64 76 64 72 69 70 7c 31 7c 0a _dvdrip|1|.

Directory last entry (178 bytes TCP) 0040 .. .. 49 6e 64 65 73 74 72 75 63 74 69 62 6c 65 ,.Indestructible 0050 2e 6d 61 63 2e 78 76 69 64 2e 64 69 76 78 2e 61 .mac.xvid.divx.a 0060 76 69 7c 2f 68 6f 6d 65 2f 6f 6c 69 76 69 65 72 vi|/home/olivier 0070 2f 53 68 61 72 65 64 5f 4b 69 73 73 2f 56 69 64 /Shared_Kiss/Vid 0080 65 6f 2f 49 6e 64 65 73 74 72 75 63 74 69 62 6c eo/Indestructibl 0090 65 2e 6d 61 63 2e 78 76 69 64 2e 64 69 76 78 2e e.mac.xvid.divx. 00a0 61 76 69 7c 30 7c 0a 4d 61 64 6f 6e 6e 61 5f 48 avi|0|.Madonna_H 00b0 75 6e 67 55 70 2e 6d 70 67 7c 2f 68 6f 6d 65 2f ungUp.mpg|/home/ 00c0 6f 6c 69 76 69 65 72 2f 53 68 61 72 65 64 5f 4b olivier/Shared_K 00d0 69 73 73 2f 56 69 64 65 6f 2f 4d 61 64 6f 6e 6e iss/Video/Madonn 00e0 61 5f 48 75 6e 67 55 70 2e 6d 70 67 7c 30 7c 0a a_HungUp.mpg|0|. 00f0 45 4f 4c 0a EOL.

Close connection exchange (ACK-FIN)

  • Full conversation (ASCII)


D..ja jou..|D..ja jou..|1| {kissdx-DIR}_local_dvdrom|{kissdx-DIR}_local_dvdrom|1| DVD_Image|DVD_Image|1| home_linux|home_linux|1| Qmultimedia|Qmultimedia|1| test|test|1| win_dvdrip|win_dvdrip|1| Indestructible.mac.xvid.divx.avi|/home/olivier/Shared_Kiss/Video/Indestructible.mac.xvid.divx.avi|0| Madonna_HungUp.mpg|/home/olivier/Shared_Kiss/Video/Madonna_HungUp.mpg|0| EOL

  • Full conversation (HEX)

00000000 4c 49 53 54 20 56 49 44 45 4f 20 7c 7c 0d 0a 0d LIST VID EO ||... 00000010 0a . 00000000 44 c3 a9 6a 61 20 6a 6f 75 c3 a9 7c 44 c3 a9 6a D..ja jo u..|D..j 00000010 61 20 6a 6f 75 c3 a9 7c 31 7c 0a a jou..| 1|. 0000001B 7b 6b 69 73 73 64 78 2d 44 49 52 7d 5f 6c 6f 63 {kissdx- DIR}_loc 0000002B 61 6c 5f 64 76 64 72 6f 6d 7c 7b 6b 69 73 73 64 al_dvdro m|{kissd 0000003B 78 2d 44 49 52 7d 5f 6c 6f 63 61 6c 5f 64 76 64 x-DIR}_l ocal_dvd 0000004B 72 6f 6d 7c 31 7c 0a rom|1|. 00000052 44 56 44 5f 49 6d 61 67 65 7c 44 56 44 5f 49 6d DVD_Imag e|DVD_Im 00000062 61 67 65 7c 31 7c 0a age|1|. 00000069 68 6f 6d 65 5f 6c 69 6e 75 78 7c 68 6f 6d 65 5f home_lin ux|home_ 00000079 6c 69 6e 75 78 7c 31 7c 0a linux|1| . 00000082 51 6d 75 6c 74 69 6d 65 64 69 61 7c 51 6d 75 6c Qmultime dia|Qmul 00000092 74 69 6d 65 64 69 61 7c 31 7c 0a timedia| 1|. 0000009D 74 65 73 74 7c 74 65 73 74 7c 31 7c 0a test|tes t|1|. 000000AA 77 69 6e 5f 64 76 64 72 69 70 7c 77 69 6e 5f 64 win_dvdr ip|win_d 000000BA 76 64 72 69 70 7c 31 7c 0a vdrip|1| . 000000C3 49 6e 64 65 73 74 72 75 63 74 69 62 6c 65 2e 6d Indestru ctible.m 000000D3 61 63 2e 78 76 69 64 2e 64 69 76 78 2e 61 76 69 ac.xvid. divx.avi 000000E3 7c 2f 68 6f 6d 65 2f 6f 6c 69 76 69 65 72 2f 53 |/home/o livier/S 000000F3 68 61 72 65 64 5f 4b 69 73 73 2f 56 69 64 65 6f hared_Ki ss/Video 00000103 2f 49 6e 64 65 73 74 72 75 63 74 69 62 6c 65 2e /Indestr uctible. 00000113 6d 61 63 2e 78 76 69 64 2e 64 69 76 78 2e 61 76 mac.xvid .divx.av 00000123 69 7c 30 7c 0a 4d 61 64 6f 6e 6e 61 5f 48 75 6e i|0|.Mad onna_Hun 00000133 67 55 70 2e 6d 70 67 7c 2f 68 6f 6d 65 2f 6f 6c gUp.mpg| /home/ol 00000143 69 76 69 65 72 2f 53 68 61 72 65 64 5f 4b 69 73 ivier/Sh ared_Kis 00000153 73 2f 56 69 64 65 6f 2f 4d 61 64 6f 6e 6e 61 5f s/Video/ Madonna_ 00000163 48 75 6e 67 55 70 2e 6d 70 67 7c 30 7c 0a 45 4f HungUp.m pg|0|.EO 00000173 4c 0a L.

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