Install KiSS CE
[hide]Quick install
Everything here enclosed in < > as in <mail address> should be replaced with the appropriate value.
User id:
- Change to the user you want the program to run under.
su <user id>
Your own user might be fine, but NOT root. If you use samba you might use the same user id as you do from your desktop. That way you are sure that you don't block anything with the wrong access rights.
- KiSS CE Home: Make a directory where you want to have the executable. The default is to have all the data files there as well. (You can specify otherwise in the configuration)
- Make sure that the user has write access to where you want to store movies.
- Output: Make a directory where you want encoded files to be outputted to. I should be on the same filesystem as the the final destination. (So it doesn't have to be copied there)
- Input: Make a directory where you want to store the files that shall be encoded.
- Download the tar.gz file and put it in <KiSS CE Home>
- Run this unpack command:
gzcat kiss_ce-1.0.tar.gz | tar xvf -
- Edit the kiss_ce.conf file. A lot are explained in the file. (See configuration)
for details.
- Run the crontab command:
crontab -e
and add the following lines:- MAILTO=”<your mail address>” # If error occures, a message will be send to this address.
- 1-59/10 * * * * /<KiSS CE Home>/kiss_ce # This will make KiSS CE run every 10 minutes.
Optional directory's:
- Raw: If you want to edit files downloaded from the KiSS player, before they are encoded (default is to encode right away) you must also have a directory for raw files. (Default: <input>) It should be on the same filesystem as <input> to avoid coping)
- Data: Where the program stores data files. (Default: <KiSS CE Home>)
- Log: Where the program stores log files. (Default: <KiSS CE Home>)
- Tmp: Where the program stores temporary files. (Default: <KiSS CE Home>)
- Etc: where the “kiss_ce.conf” file are. (Default: <KiSS CE Home>)
When using the four last optionaly directory setting, nothing are stored in the <KiSS CE Home> directory but the executable.