From KiSS DP 558 STAGE2 WiKi
- Script which generate a logfile (date, uptime, stage2.ver, free, df, ps, env, etc...)
- Streamripper frontend in the webconsole
- Configuration page: switch mediaplayer
- Configuration page: summer/winter time link
- Configuration page: protection on/off, etc...
- Switching KiSS to audio out and power on , tisiman has started a project about Switching KiSS to oudio out and power on for trying to change to audio multiplexer from Scart2->Scart1 (standby mode) to Kiss->Scart1 (Operating mode). Discussion
- CGI scrips about playlists, mhd has started a project about playlists, Discussion
- CGI-Scripts for Backup/Restore, Discussion