Stage2 DP558 Bugs

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Bugs confirmed
# Stage2
Problem Description How to reproduce Link to Bug Report Fixed

Old Buglist for the release stage2_RF

  • Its possible you will not hear audio on the first reboot. Hope to fix this on a update. Just reboot player once more and audio will be back on.
  • Wrong link for shoutplay in modules (confirmed)
  • the "edit hosts" should not be included (confirmed)
  • typo on kmlbrowser ? (not confirmed)
  • remote not working on second click ? (confirmed)
  • crond not working (fork/vfork)
  • gdbserver not working (fork/vfork)
  • lash (goes to background sometimes)
  • pclinkd (does not work over inetd)
  • Haserl does not work correct
  • KML doesn't work when enable HTTP protection
  • The "hush"-bug, maybe can someone explain why certain C /cgi /haserl scripts gives problems...

Known issues

  • If you have problems on first download (wget). Originally posted by bjako: "So all who have problems with downloading new firmware - set KiSS IP to static and DNS to ISP DNS server and try again."
  • After software reboot its possible you dont hear audio (change is 1/5, just reboot, sorry no fix)
  • After disable FTP you need to reboot player one more time (you can also use the "killall -HUP inetd" from telnet without reboot)
  • PCLink don't work; edit the inetd.conf and REMOVE the line with pclink, then reboot Now you can just enable / disable pclink from the menu and it will work like it should (so in short, i made a error on the inetd because i was thinking that pclink could be run from inetd but i was wrong)


More or less, one could say that the stuff here is for making the firmware working better. E.g. using less memory (there is very little of that), make it able to do cool stuff for people who know lot about computers, and make it more easy to help you if you have problems with the firmware, and so on...

  • NEW! Based on 1.1.7 firmware from kiss
  • NEW! Custom made kernel with bigger ramdisc for the /tmp dir
  • NEW! Symlinked the mediaplayer so you can choice the 1.1.7 or 1.1.4 (to fix the ff)
  • NEW! Split the busybox in the rom for more free mem
  • NEW! Placed the modprobe kill and killall in rom
  • NEW! Placed modprobe in rom
  • NEW! Optimize telnetd
  • NEW! Placed fsck / ftpd / telnetd in /bind for debug mode
  • NEW! Removed the 30 seconds delay out of stage2 and replaced it with a failsafe mode (thanks to Markus)
  • NEW! Created a symlink from /etc/config/smb.conf to /hdd/stage2/config/smb.con (for smb client)
  • NEW! Created a /lib dir for the modules
  • NEW! Created a symlink for the softmodules
  • NEW! Compiled the folowing modules in rom (NOT TESTED!): ext3.o / jbd.o
  • NEW! Compiled the folowing modules on harddisk: lockd.o / loop.o / nbd.o / nfs.o / smbfs.o / sunrpc.o